Center for Transformative Infrastructure Preservation and Sustainability

Project Details

A Pavement Management System for Wyoming County Roads
Principal Investigators:
Mohamed Yamany and Khaled Ksaibati
Grant #:
69A3552348308 (IIJA / BIL)
Project #:
RiP #:
RH Display ID:
asset management, county roads, pavement management systems, rural highways


A pavement management system (PMS) is an asset management tool that helps decision-makers determine the most effective strategies for maintaining pavements in optimal condition within a specific timeframe. Most highway agencies in the United States employ PMS to proficiently and effectively manage their pavement assets on state roads. Unlike the state level, most local agencies administering county roads have yet to implement PMS. This may be attributed to insufficient resources, technical proficiency, and data availability and quality limitations. Hence, this research proposal addresses this gap by developing a comprehensive PMS for Wyoming county roads. The development of this PMS will follow a multi-stage approach based primarily on data collected via questionnaire survey and historical pavement conditions. This proposed project is expected to result in a PMS tailored for Wyoming counties, which will incorporate historical pavement conditions, alternatives and costs of maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) treatments, decision trees for effective treatment selection, a prioritization framework for M&R treatment scheduling, and financial requirement assessment. The findings and the developed PMS will not only assist Wyoming counties in effectively and efficiently managing their roads, but they will also offer guidelines and recommendations that could benefit counties in other states.

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